First Summer Student Mentors

UCFS 2024 gathered around Tildy & Carson (UCPD dogs)

2025 Student Mentors 

We provide students with meaningful academic engagement to enrich and support their transition into college. UCFS is an opportunity for students to explore the collegiate life prior to their first semester at college. 

As Student Mentors (SMs), your role is to...

  • Help build relationships with and between FS participants
  • Provide academic, social, & emotional support to prepare them for the fall 
  • Supervise workshops & social events​
  • Organize casual social gathering to promote making connections
  • Communicate with the UCFS Coordinate and remain available and visible to students
  • Guide students with genuine & authentic advice as current UConn undergraduate students

In practice this means we are all working to grow together


2025 Application Process

This is a program for students looking to get ahead or who are seeking support in transitioning from high school or college life. For this reason, we are very deliberate in our hiring selection of Student Mentors. Each year we typically need 2-3 outgoing, inclusive, and community-oriented problem-solvers who want to help others through genuine connection and mentorship.

For this reason, we partner with PreCollege Summer, who hire many more student workers for the summer, so that our applicants also participate in the group interview process. This allows us to see how well you tackle a task in a group setting and view how your unique perspective contributes to a community of people.

    What You Need to Know:

      Hiring Timeline


      All applications will be live


      • Applications are still open - Feel free to contact us with any questions


      • Applications are still open - Feel free to contact us with any questions


      • January 28th: All applications close at 11:59pm


      • Start of February: Summer Staff group interviews (all positions for PCS & FS)
      • Mid February: Summer Staff individual interviews (if necessary)
      • Late February: Applicants will be notified of a decision


      • Finalize paperwork for Student Mentor Hires


      • Mid April: Summer Staff Meetup

      Job Description


      Housing & Meals

      • All SM housing & Meal plan costs for the duration of the program (including training) will be covered by UCFS


      • All SMs will receive a stipend payment of $3,900 (2024) for their work during the summer program
      • Payment will be in biweekly installations over the course of 6 weeks - 3 payments total

      Additional Benefits

      • All SMs will have access to campus resources and opportunities available during the summer
      • All activities and costs related to the program will be paid for by UCFS pending approval from the Program Coordinator



      • All Student Mentors must participate in a one-week mandatory training at Storrs campus prior to the start of their duties as Student Mentors
      • Training for summer of 2025 will begin on Sunday, June 29 and end on Thursday, July 3rd
      • Trainings may include, but are not limited to
        • CPR/AED
        • Active Threat & De-escalation
        • Diversity & Inclusion
        • Mindfulness & Setting Boundaries
        • UConn Van Driving

      Typical SM Week