Parent/Guardian Information
Feeling overwhelmed about your student’s transition to college? You’re not alone!
Attending an academically-focused summer program is a significant undertaking for an incoming and their family. While this is an exciting time, we are mindful of the anxieties and concerns that parents and guardians have about their student living on a college campus. We hope that the following information makes you feel more prepared about your child attending a residential summer program.
Should you have additional questions about your child’s stay with us, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us! We would love to hear from you.
What is UConn First Summer?
UConn First Summer is a summer program designed for incoming freshmen and transfer students who will be starting at UConn in the fall. The five-week intensive program has at its core two academic courses, and an FYE course, intended to give students a start on their UConn careers. It also includes an array of activities and events designed to help students make the transition to UConn. These events are an integral part of the UConn First Summer experience.
Does UConn First Summer only take place at Storrs?
Yes. Because residence on campus is an important part of the UConn First Summer experience, the program only takes place at the main campus. However, it is open to students admitted to any of the five UConn campuses.
How is this program designed to support students in transition to university life?
In partnership with the First Year Experience program, UCFS intends to foster the following values & skills within our students throughout the summer program:
- Identity & Community
- Students will have ample opportunities to get to know one another as well as other students from other summer programs through enriching social events conducted by the Student Mentors (SM) or organized by the Program Coordinator. Students are encouraged to remain on campus rather than visiting home during duration of their time in the program to maximize socialization with others and continue building lasting relationships. For this reason, special events will be planned on weekends to encourage people to come together naturally and explore their personal interests together. A huge hit in previous UCFS summers has been venturing to the Adventure Park ropes course close to Storrs campus and the Stuff-a-Kusky Karaoke night.
- Self-efficacy & Autonomy
- Through this program, students will get an opportunity to earn 7- credits at the intensity and rigor of any other college course. Students will be supported by their SMs and peers throughout their courses via study sessions, visits to academic centers, and academic advice such as how to communicate with your professors. Additionally, workshops in conjunction with the FYE course will help support their academic independence by introducing campus resources such as the Academic Achievement Center, Center for Students with Disabilities, International Student & Scholar Services, & Student Health & Wellness.
- Intellectual Curiosity
- Beyond simply surviving University life, we want our students to begin thriving at UConn, so they feel confident and comfortable when the remaining 27,000 join them in the Fall. Socials and additional workshops have been planned with the intent to spark personal investment into some of UConn's most creative and intriguing opportunities. These events will introduce students to the organizations such as the various Cultural Centers on campus, allow them to engage in their personal hobbies through the Innovation Zone, or begin planning to jump into leadership roles through ResLife, UConn internship, or other campus jobs.
- Self-reflection
- As always, reflection is a key component of the UCFS experience. Students will be asked to compose a reflection of their experience not only for their own benefit to see how far they've grown, but also to help the program grow and develop from their valuable input. They final week of the program will include academic finals, but also celebrations of their personal and group victories. It is during this week that we ask the students to envision themselves as mentors since they will likely be viewed as such by remaining incoming first years who will seek their guidance.
How many classes do I have to take during First Summer?
UConn First Summer requires all students to register in two 3-credit courses as well as one 1-credit FYE course to participate in the program. We also recommend that that you enroll in at least one online synchronous course in order to receive the full UConn experience. To view your course options and schedule, please visit this page for further details.
Housing Accommodations
UCFS students will be housed in Werth Tower which is located in the Hilltop area of campus, adjacent to the campus athletic facilities and a short walk from the center of campus. During the Fall and Spring semesters, Werth houses first and second year students participating in Living-Learning Communities that many of our UCFS students choose to be a part of. Any student participating in our summer program will be living together on the 6th floor of Werth to get used to first-year, on-campus living and get a great opportunity to make some lasting friendship before the start of the official year.
What if I can’t afford to live on campus this summer?
There are other ways to get a jump start to your UConn coursework outside the First Summer program. If First Summer doesn’t fit your summer plans or budget, you may be interested in taking one or two classes on your own. Summer classes are offered at all UConn campuses. See UConn Summer Session for details.
Meal Plans
UCFS students will be asked to select a 7-day summer meal plan since they will be living on campus throughout the program July 7-August 10. Meals will be held in the Putnam facilities from the start of the program until July 27th where dinning will switch to the South Facilities until the end of the program. These halls are located conveniently near student living and the center of campus. This will give students a sample of 2 dining halls prior to their Fall semester when all halls will be open and students will get their pick.
For more information, please visit Summer Dining Services. If students have medical dietary restrictions, see this page to apply for a Modified Meal Plan.
Safety & Supervision
UCFS program offers a balance of freedom and supervision to keep our students safe while also allowing them the freedom to learn and grow at their own pace. To accomplish this balance, we hire current undergraduate students to act as role models, mentors, and allies to supports students throughout their time in UCFS. These Student Mentors (SM) have full training on emergency protocols in addition to conflict resolution and relationship building prior to the start of the summer program. These are trusted adults that will serve as liaisons between the students and higher support staff like Sammy vanValkenburg (the Program Coordinator) and Mick Pigott (Director of UConn Summer/Winter Programs) to ensure the safety and comfort of all UCFS participants. Students will have the contact information for their SMs and the SMs will have daily contact with the Program Coordinator. Visit this page for more information on our staff.
In addition to program staff, the Storrs campus will continue to be fully equipped with security and medical staff for any emergency that may occur. For more information on Campus Health & Safety please visit this site.
How do I register for UConn First Summer (when is the deadline)?
After you have committed to the University of Connecticut (see, please see the registration page for more information. Be sure to read important information on our Dates and Fees and Courses pages before you complete the registration form.
Program Dates:
July 13 - August 15, 2025
Opens: April 6, 2025
Other Important Dates:
Move-in date: July 13, 10:00am-noon
Move-out date: August 16, 10:00am-noon
Are you looking for UConn’s ON-CAMPUS MSW?
To learn more about UConn's on-campus MSW, please visit: