Campus Resources

Resources available to students during the summer are similar to those available during the fall and spring semesters. Summer is a great time to explore resources available to you—and these are great “go to” places for a wide range of questions, issues, etc.

UConn Students' Page

Check out the new UConn Students' page at, where you'll find links to many of the services below--as well as many others you will find useful during your time at UConn. A great page to bookmark now!

Office of Summer & Winter Programs

The Office of Summer and Winter Programs runs the multi-session Summer Program and the Winter Term. Many UConn students take advantage of intersession classes to get ahead, catch up, or enjoy a different pace. The rigor of condensed intersession classes is offset by the lighter course load and the unique opportunity to get to know professors and instructors in what is usually a small-class setting. Over 500 classes are offered during a typical summer at UConn.


UConn First Summer participants are strongly encouraged to discuss how their First Summer course selections fit into their academic plan when they meet with an advisor at Summer Orientation. Watch the video of students with their tips for success at UConn.

Advisors are usually pretty busy with Orientation during the summer, but will be happy to make time to meet with you if something urgent arises. To find the appropriate advisor for your School, College, Program, or Campus. Search online or within for “UConn advising [insert school/college/campus/program name]” and you’ll quickly locate the appropriate page.

UConn Libraries

The Homer Babbidge Library in the heart of the Storrs campus will be your best friend this summer! 7 floors of tables, study carrels, comfortable chairs and high-tech workstations will make finding that perfect study spot a cinch (and, unlike during the semester, you will almost always find that favorite seat free!). The Library offers both in-person and live-chat research help. Also located in the Babbidge Library is the Homer Commons, which houses computer and scanning workstations, media editing suites, and the Q (Quantitative) Center and Writing Center, which offer tutoring for math-based subjects and a wide range of written assignments (see Q Center and Writing Center websites for summer hours!).
Try out the AskALibrarian Chat Link!

Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar supports students, faculty, academic and administrative departments, and the public through a range of services including the Student Adminstration system students use to register for classes (this is something you’ll learn to do in Orientation this summer!). At their offices in Wilbur Cross (Storrs Campus) or at any of the regional campuses, you can ask questions about course registration, request a transcript, and much more.

UConn Bookstore

The UConn Co-op is UConn’s bookstore, all things Husky shop, convenience store, and more. The beautiful new Storrs downtown location is the biggest independent bookstore in the area and is home to Le Petit Marché Café, a campus-run restaurant where you can use both HuskyBucks and OneCard points (see summer dining plans for points options).

One Card Office

Your OneCard is your passport to everything at UConn. It’s your ticket into the residence and dining halls, your library card, your gym pass. If you put HuskyBucks on it, it can also be the card you use at local restaurants and stores (including CVS and the local grocery store, PriceChopper). Don’t lose this card!!

Office of Residential Life

The Office of Residential Life or “ResLife” will be very important to you this summer, as they oversee not only the residence halls themselves but the highly-trained Resident Assistants and Hall Directors who supervise student living year-round. Contact them directly with any issue regarding your living situation, whether that be a leaky pipe or a conflict with your roommate or neighbor.

Campus Recreation

Campus Rec is about more than the gym—although it’s that too! Some of our most popular First Summer activities, including paddle boarding and rock climbing, are sponsored by Campus Recreation office. Watch for information about group fitness classes and outdoor adventures including hiking, workshops and group travel.

Dean of Students

As their website puts it, “if you have a question, a concern or a problem to solve, and you are not sure where to begin, the Dean of Students Office is a great place to start.” The very experienced staff of this office are available to help guide you through a wide range of challenges, both academic and personal. Don’t know how to reach out to a professor? Worried your performance in a course will impact your financial aid? Need to go on a leave of absence due to illness or a family emergency? This is the place to start.

Student Health Services (SHS)

Although we wish you a healthy, accident-free experience this summer and during all your time at UConn, it’s important to know that SHS is there if you need them, if only for your annual flu shot! Located in the heart of the Storrs campus, they offer a full range of primary care and other care services, including bloodwork, and nutrition services.   The new branch of UConn Health in Storrs Center supplies some services not available on campus.
Call for an appointment: 860-486-2719
If it is an emergency of any kind, please call 911 immediately

Campus and Mental Health Services

Starting your university career can be stressful and anxiety-producing for all students even in the best of times. CMHS offers a wide range of services, including individual, confidential counseling, group counseling, crisis intervention, alcohol and drug services, and much more. Their staff are caring, friendly and have your well-being always in mind.
Call for an appointment: 860-486-4705
If it is an emergency of any kind, please call 911 immediately

Center with Students with Disabilities

There is absolutely no stigma to having a disability that impacts your personal and/or academic life as a student. The CSD offers a wide range of services, from specialized academic advising to personal assistants to arranging extended time for assignments and much more. In order to receive disability-based accommodations, students must have registered a documented disability with the CSD.